Where and How to Use Giant Inflatables, Part 2
In the last post, we began giving you an assortment of events and ideas for using your inflatables. We continue this list below.
In some places we’ve included a Special Checklist of suggestions of things you may want to add to your own GIANT INFLATABLE checklist. That way you won’t leave out any of the small details that can make your appearances run smoothly and successfully.
Beach Parties, Clam Bakes, Volleyball Tournaments
Surf, sand, sun and fun: the beach is the perfect place to show off a GIANT INFLATABLE because of the crowds and good visibility.
Special Beach Checklist:
Electrical power source
Tarp. It is important to keep the fan protected from drawing in any sand or debris.
Special beach stakes. These long corkscrew stakes are ideal for anchoring GIANT INFLATABLES in sand or other soft surfaces.
Coil and secure deflation cord away from the hands of curious spectators.
Don’t get near the water! Remember the tide can come in!
Winter Carnivals, Ski Races
Is it cold and snowy outside? Nothing is more noticeable than a colorful GIANT INFLATABLE against the white snow.
Special Checklist:
Make sure the tethers are secure if it is windy.
Position the deflation panel facing upwind, to be pulled in case of high winds.
Use sand stakes in soft snow.
Work with the event’s publicity organizer. If possible, have your advance literature say something about looking for your GIANT INFLATABLE to locate the event.
Ice or Roller Skating
As the weather turns cooler and people head indoors, don’t pack away your GIANT INFLATABLE! Put it up in a roller or ice skating rink, indoors or outdoors. To eliminate the electrical wires on the rink floor so people can skate around your GIANT INFLATABLE, run the extension cord up overhead and loop around hanging lights, rafters or pipes. Wind up the tethers with rubber bands or masking tape and put them up out of the way.
Special Checklist:
Extra extension cords
Tarp – to protect GIANT INFLATABLE from the ice
Ladder – to reach rafters
Weights for ballast
Concerts and Music Festivals
Be it hard rock or symphony, country or in-between, a well-attended music concert is an excellent place to display your GIANT INFLATABLE.
Radio and TV Remotes
Local TV, and especially radio stations, are very promotion-minded. They put on events, concerts, and remote (on-location) broadcasts. Sponsoring one of these events, or just participating, can get you some excellent exposure. Once the word of your GIANT INFLATABLE gets around, they’ll ask you to bring it out. The name of the game here is “creativity.”
Grand Openings
Grand Openings are a very popular use for GIANT INFLATABLES, judging from the number of stories we’ve heard from so many of our inflatable users. They present a perfect opportunity for your GIANT INFLATABLE to attract a crowd and create excitement and fun. It gives the press and TV something big and colorful to photograph, and the long distance visibility
Have people in front of the store or building giving out coupons for products or services. Dress them in company t-shirts if possible. What better a way to measure point-of-purchase impact than just counting up the redeemed coupons on the spot?
Product Sampling
A popular use for GIANT INFLATABLES, especially GIANT product replicas like food and beverage containers, is product sampling.